New York Film Academy is an excellent academy that promotes professional and personal growth of the student. I made this conclusion from my own experience – studying Acting within its walls.
First, I want to mention the most important thing for me – the human relationship. I asked the American students if all the schools in the U.S. are the same as New York Film Academy. They replied that they never met such a high level of interaction between staff and students. Administration at New York Film Academy helped and supported me greatly in my difficult life situations, which I did not even count on. In any situation where I have a question or problem (not even about NYFA), or if I needed advice and/or concrete help – I was always being helped, guided, and supported. New York Film Academy saved me many times, and if it were not for the administration of the Academy, I do not even know how I would have gotten out of difficult life situations.
All teachers at New York Film Academy are working professionals. Their expertly constructed lessons, guidance of our professional development, and caring and considerate participation of Administration of the Academy made my learning experience unforgettable. I stress this because international students, cut off from home and family, in a foreign country where they speak a different language, have a very hard life! And NYFA for me, as for many other foreign students, is home!