New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

I am studying at New York Film Academy to pursue a career in writing and directing, learn about the industry, and build a portfolio. The hands-on approach has been the most valuable teaching method throughout my studies.

Since I did not want to wait four years to build a portfolio or be able to work with a camera, I chose to study at New York Film Academy because other schools do not have these same opportunities.

I would strongly recommend NYFA to others because it’s intense and shows you exactly how it would be to work in the actual industry.

-Dijana Beslin

New York Film Academy 1 Year Filmmaking Students

I am studying at New York Film Academy because I want to learn as much as I can about directing and everything surrounding it. The teaching methods I have found most useful are the hands-on practice with the camera; and the cinematography and sounds classes.

The reason I chose to study at NYFA is because of their “learn by doing philosophy.” I don’t want to sit behind a desk doing the same thing over and over again.

-Azaan Haider

New York Film Academy 1 Year Cinematography Student Review

I am studying at New York Film Academy because I’m interested in studying cinematography and learning exactly what I want to do for a career.

I’ve found the teaching methods are very valuable here - everything is explained in great detail. I also like how everything is hands-on, because it shows not only how things work, but how to apply them.

I liked NYFA’s way of teaching, which is why I chose this school over others. Also, I wanted to study in New York City and the school is right in the heart of the city.

I would recommend NYFA to others looking to get into the industry, because it teaches you all you need to know and the teachers are really helpful.

-Anna Fiske

New York Film Academy 2 Year Filmmaking Student

I am studying at the New York Film Academy to become a talented filmmaker. Claude’s filmmaking class has a good balance between practice and theory and I have found this to be valuable to learn here.

I recommend New York Film Academy based on my great experience studying here.

-Alfredo Plessmann

New York Film Academy 1 Week Digital Filmmaking Student

I signed up for the 1-Week Digital Filmmaking class because I had limited time in New York and wanted to learn about filmmaking. I thought the experience of shooting in New York would be amazing, and it was!

I chose to study at NYFA because I had already heard back from them and I just loved the idea of the program. It’s only a five day program, but you get your own film done. The teachers were really there to help us even though the program had less class time.

-Laura Garcia

New York Film Academy Sports Photography Student

photo by Aaron Steele

Before attending the New York Film Academy for sports photography, I had novice experience with a camera. I knew some things, but not a lot. Any knowledge I did have came from the one semester of photography I studied while at Florida State University and researching photography articles online.

4 short months later and I honestly can say that I am a better photographer because of my decision to join NYFA. I say short because the program is very intensive and demanding. The time flew by. However, I know all of the knowledge I gained in that time will pay off. In fact, it has already begun to pay off, as I am currently a contributing photographer for one of the leading online track and field websites, Runner Space.

Being able to photograph a professional sports team such as the NY Jets provided an invaluable experience that I don’t believe I could have found anywhere else. The program introduced me to Jets staff photographer, Al Pereira, who has become a valuable contact to have.

-Aaron Steele

It is my goal to photograph the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. I believe my time with the New York Film Academy’s photography program has put me well on my way to visiting the highest level athletic competition; camera in hand.