New York Film Academy Acting for Film Program

New York Film Academy is an excellent academy that promotes professional and personal growth of the student. I made this conclusion from my own experience – studying Acting within its walls.

First, I want to mention the most important thing for me – the human relationship. I asked the American students if all the schools in the U.S. are the same as New York Film Academy. They replied that they never met such a high level of interaction between staff and students. Administration at New York Film Academy helped and supported me greatly in my difficult life situations, which I did not even count on. In any situation where I have a question or problem (not even about NYFA), or if I needed advice and/or concrete help – I was always being helped, guided, and supported. New York Film Academy saved me many times, and if it were not for the administration of the Academy, I do not even know how I would have gotten out of difficult life situations.

All teachers at New York Film Academy are working professionals. Their expertly constructed lessons, guidance of our professional development, and caring and considerate participation of Administration of the Academy made my learning experience unforgettable. I stress this because international students, cut off from home and family, in a foreign country where they speak a different language, have a very hard life! And NYFA for me, as for many other foreign students, is home!

Second, performances at the end of each semester gave me a sense of family – all students were coming to see each other’s work, supported each other, and competed of course.

My favorite classes were Stage Combat, Comedy & Improvisation, and Acting Technique. Our teachers are the adherents of different techniques, and I learned from each of them. The most delightful thing for me was that we put all received knowledge immediately into practice, worked on camera, discussed what we saw, and shot our projects at Universal Studios backlot. Lastly, we watched our work in the screening rooms of Warner Bros.! What could be better?

I want to become a professional actor, and New York Film Academy gave me everything I need. The most incredible thing is the availability of free drop-in classes for all students. I used to attend Speech, Stage Combat, and Meisner classes, but there are more: Singing, Dancing, Comedy & Improv, Tai Chi. I also attended effective classes for Business of Acting and How to Run a Casting Session, presented by the real Casting Director Chris Devane, who is part of the New York Film Academy staff.

I enjoyed the incredible opportunity to meet and ask questions to filmmakers at free weekly screenings at Warner Bros. Never in my life had I imagined I’d meet all the stars of the entertainment industry! For me it was a wonderful to know that foreign students have a professional opportunity to work after graduating from New York Film Academy.

I am so thankful to the administration of the Academy and to all the teachers for the lessons, help, support and professionalism!

New York Film Academy was the best choice to start my career!

Special thanks to Dan Mackler, Brian Koplow, Chris Devane, Becky Hernandez, John Henry Richardson, Travis Michael Holder, Cliff Weissman and to all of NYFA staff and administration!

-Nelly Imametdinova

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