New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

My dream is to become a filmmaker and learn the skills I need while studying at the New York Film Academy. The school emphasizes various approaches to learning such as the hands-on approach, feedback on scripts, and ideas generated by teachers and peers.

I chose to study at NYFA because of the emphasis on hands-on experience. Theory is great, but if you can’t pick up a camera and use it, what’s the point?

I recommend New York Film Academy to others looking to get into the industry.

-Laszlo Szremac

New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

I have previously studied at other film schools, but I’ve always wanted the opportunity to learn film while living in New York City. I chose to continue my education at the New York Film Academy because of their hands-on approach, accelerated courses and it’s New York City location.

-Jackie Massar

New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

I chose to enroll in school at the New York Film Academy because I’ve heard a lot of great things about the school and I have access to equipment and resources that I wouldn’t have at other schools.

The production workshops are a great opportunity for hands-on practice and are valuable for learning.

I chose to study here because of the great reputation, price, equipment and the hands-on work you receive at the school. In addition to this, I would recommend NYFA to others because it’s a good school to understand the way that a movie is done.

-Oscar Brais Revalderia Prieto

New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

I want to perfect my skills as a writer and director – as well as working in a team oriented profession.

I’ve found Katie Kurtis’ writing teaching methods and styles to be valuable. She encourages her class to brainstorm as the way of free-forming ideals that can later be connected to what we are doing and learning.

The reasons I chose to study here over other schools are because it is intensive. Meaning no time to waste and help us swim rather than sink.

I recommend this school to others looking to get into the industry because if you can survive this, then you stand a chance of being successful in this industry.

-Molly Calliste

New York Film Academy 1-Year Filmmaking Student

I am studying at the New York Film Academy for their hands-on programs that enable you to build a portfolio.

The standout teaching methods here are the workshops they offer. I chose to study at NYFA because they have more hands-on programs and experience provided to help students build up your portfolio.

I recommend NYFA for those who want a lot of hands-on experience. There are a lot of great teamwork opportunities as well.

-Flavia Romani

New York Film Academy 1-Year Filmmaking Student

I am studying at New York Film Academy because I want to know more about films, get more familiar with cameras, and eventually become a director.

The standout teaching methods at the New York Film Academy are the hands-on camera practice, learning the director’s craft, and the analysis about film shots by shots.

I chose to study at NYFA because of their philosophy – learning by doing.

-Lingling Ruan

New York Film Academy 1-Year Filmmaking Student

I am studying at the New York Film Academy to begin my career as a filmmaker.

The standout teaching methods used here are when the teachers take their time to be hands-on with equipment and show you how to use it – other than just telling you. The hands-on approach the school uses is great.

I would recommend this school because there are a variety of aspects to learn.

-David Roberts

New York Film Academy Filmmaking Student

I am studying at the New York Film Academy to become a filmmaker. The standout teaching methods I’ve found valuable are the hands-on approach, feedback on scripts, and ideas generated by teachers and peers.

I chose to study at NYFA because of the emphasis on hands-on experience. Theory is great, but if you can’t pick up a camera and use it, then what’s the point?

I recommend NYFA to others looking to get into the industry.

-Lasilo Swemal

New York Film Academy 1 Year Filmmaking Student

I am studying at the New York Film Academy because I want to be a director and I think this is the best school to help me achieve that.

The hands-on teaching methods have been the most valuable for me, and this school is doing a great job of it.

I chose to study here because the school got in contact with me and I immediately fell in love with it – which is why I recommend this school to others looking to get into the industry.

-Matthew Rush